Håkan Björklund

Aquatic Environment, Nature Conservation & Diving


CURRICULUM VITAE – Håkan Björklund



Name:                                                   Håkan Björklund

Date of birth:                                        1957-10-28

Nationality:                                          Swedish

Languages:                                   Swedish, English, understand Danish and


Employment:                                Employed at Ekologgruppen since 1998

                                                      Employed at Ekologigruppen since 2018


Present field of work:  Construction of wetlands, Restoring of watercoarses, Applications to Environmental court, Nature conservation and preservation in limnic systems, Measures for fish migration and preservation, Bentic fauna, Freshwater mussels, Electrofishing, Various sampling in water and sediments for surveys.


Biologi: Broad ecologic knowledge in limnic ecology, documented knowledge of species (fish- and freshwater mussels), good understanding of marine ecosystem.

Investigations and analyses: Construction and restoring of wetlands, restoring of lakes and watercoarses. Experienced in projecting wetlands, remeandering and restoring watercoarses, and measures for nature conservation and preservation in aquatic (limnic) environment, including contacts with landowners and authorities, draw applications and documents for procurment, controlling contractors and final inspections

Special competence in constructing big wetlands,restoring wetlands and watercoarses.

Especially interested in overall functions and mechanisms that controls aquatic ecosystems

Additional: Good knowledge in water preservation, hydrology, Swedish environmental law, and the Swedish Watercoarse Manegment

Educated in first aid and basic fire estingguising. Driving licence

Have diving certifikat since 2006 (PADI-Advanced open water 2007, Nitrox 2007, Rescue diver 2023).

Over 250 logged dives in varios environments, from small rivlets to open sea. Experience of diving with sharks in Red sea, South Africa and Costa Rica.



1996: University of Lund: Master of science in Biology with focus on limnology. Masters dissertation: Aquatic microorganisms in different foddwebs.

1998. Lunds universitet: River restoration

1998: Conference about biological diversity: Restoring av biotopes

2000: Certification for electrofishing

2001: NJF: New wetlands in agricultural areas

2001: Swedish Waterdays in Halmstad

2003: Seminar: Meetingplace Nature conservation Skåne

2004: Study visit: Swedish museum of Nature history: Swedis freshwater mussels

2004: Swedish Board of Nature conservation: Legal prerequisites for restoring in aquatic environments

2005: Swedish Board of Agriculture: Course about agriculture subsidize

2005: Wetland seminar; Center of Wetlands in Halmstad

2005:  Methods for inventory of freshwater mussels, Jönköping County Board

2006: Seminar Thickshelled river mussel, Göteborg

2006: Conference Swedish Waterdays

2007: Basic inventory of water coarses, biotop mapping

2011: Conference Wetlands for Clear Water, Greifswald Deutchland

2011: Conference Stormwater and drainage water, SLU (Swedish Agricultural University) in Alnarp

2011: Conferance & Workshop: Restoring actions for predatory fish, Swedish federation of anglers and fish preservance

2013: Study visit on Irland, MulkearLIFE river project, and constructed wetlands in Dunhill.

2013: Coarse in Hydromorfologi in fine-grained watercoarses

2014: Seminar: The Kävlingeå-river now and in the future. The swedish sportfisher organisation

2015: Living streamwater in river Rönneå. Swedish water administration board and The Swedish sportfisher organisation

2011: Final seminar Life to ad(d) mire, Jönköping county administration et al

2015: Hydrologic and waterprecerving management in Scotland, Newcastle universitet et al

2016: Final seminar ”Unio ccrassus for Life. Swedish Board of Water administration

2017: International symposium about Pike. University of Lund and DTU AQUA, Denmark

2018: Conference Lake restoration. Swedish Sea and Water Authority and County Board of Östergötland

2018: Competense seminar about water courses. County Board of Scania



1996 - 1997   Assisting in fishsurveys, i e study of migration of trout smolt. Project employment at University of Lunds regarding fish predation, compiling of waterchemistry data, field supervisor.

1998 – 2003  In cooperation and in commission with Municipal Board of  Kristianstad executed an action program for River Vramsån regarding water preservation, fish preservation, directed actions for several species including freshwater pearl mussel and measures enhancing fish migration

1998 - 2014     Planned and constructed a great number of wetlands in southern Sweden, mostly in County of Skåne (Scania) but also in Counties of Sörmland and Småland.

2000 - 2013   Executed electro fishing studies in an great number of rivers/rivlets in Scania, among others the Rivers Rönneå, Vramsån, Höjeå, Kävlingeån et al

2005              Participated and lectured at Workshop abot Action Program for freshwater pearl mussel at Karlstads university

1998 - 2013   Sampling of Bentic fauna in Counties of Skåne, Jönköping, Kronoberg and Kalmar

2005              Together with Swedish Board of Landsurvey develeloped legal construction for corporate establishment for wetlands

2006              Glasswork project in County of Kalmar, surveys of polluted sediments in lakes and rivers

2007              Lectured at Municipal of Jönköping about ecologic management of stormwater

2004 - 2013      Inventory of freshwater mussels, among others as preparatory work för wetland construction and river restoration

2008 - 2009    Drawing an action plan for facilitating fish migration, for Swedish Board of Transportation, Eastern region

2011               Participated and lectured at Conference Restoring actions for predatory fish, Swedish federation of anglers and fish preservance

2011               Diving inventory of freshwater mussels in Lake Vombsjön for Sydvatten Ltd

2008 - 2014     Working with actions for water and habitat preservation in running water, and facilitating fish migration, mostly in rivers Kävlingeån, Höjeå och Segeå for the River Councils

2012 - 2014     Working with meaures for habitat reconstruction and to facilitate fish migration for the County of Skåne in the rivers Saxån, Välabäcken, Bivarödsån.

2013              Planned and constructed remeandering of River Fyleån, including constructing and restoring of wetlands in Valley Fyledalen, and drawing application to the Swedish Environmental Court including representing the applicant at court. Probably the bigest remeandering project in Sweden at the time

2014              Planned and projected the restoration for a modernised version of a surface owerflow meadow (a type of agriculture wetland) at River Björkaån, including habitat preservaton for a threatened swedish toad. The work included drawing application to the Swedish Environmental Court and representing the applicant at court. The wetland is under construction 2014-2015

2018   Assesing an action plan for facilitating fish and otter migration at road passages, Blekinge Board of county

2019-2023    Planned and constructed several facilities for fish-migration, mostly in River Kävlingeån with tributaries

2019-2023    Planned and constructed several customized spawning-areas for predatory fish, especially nortern pike in River Kävlingeån and Lake Vombsjön

2023-2024     Produced a documentary film about Sea Lamprey